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旁白 speak aside  

2010-11-03 17:14:40|  分类: 我翻译的文章 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |

来源:《读者》总第58期    时间:2009-5-17   


The advertisement on the newspaper made me very happy。My wife and I had expected for it for a long time, but had not got the chance,so this time,we’ll certainly not miss it,and planned to spend one night to see it.


When my wife and I paid all our attention to the film in the cinema,the girl sat before us, turned her head and whispered to the man time and time again. What’s worse,her voice was so clear in the silence surrounding, became a noise for me. According to her accent, she had seen the film for many times,because before the next scene coming,she was eagerly to tell her boyfriend what will be happened,and surely the screen appeared what she had anticipation.then she touched the man and elated to say :”oh,you see,that’s what I had said!”


She was elated but I became more and more angry. Not only she disturbed my happy of watching film,but also deprive my interesting of searching the film’s content by his “speak aside”. I felt I couldn’t stand it,so I patted the girl’s shoulder and said:”Miss, can you please use your eyes to “see” the film,and we’ll appreciate it.”


She first amazed,then a little angry,after whispered to her boy friend,was actually became silence.


My wife hauled me,whispered:”you’ll have some worries,don’t you see the strong man beside the girl,it would be strange if he not trouble you.”


The film was so long,and we had five minute to rest between it. In this space,I went to a shop to by some drink,but when I went to the shop, I found the man was walking tightly behind me. I felt a little nervous, remembering a case of murder,just caused by glancing the murderer chancely.


I walked quickly,and he also did, the distance between us became near and near,suddenly,he pulled my shoulder and used the other hand handed my right hand ---


“Thank you,sir” he said,”I really did not have the courage to say it to her.”

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