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总有理由看着火车开走 We always have reasons to see the train pull away  

2009-12-25 17:08:32|  分类: 我翻译的文章 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |



A girl had a far-reaching aspiration,and she will go farther now,four boys went to see her off. The girl knew that they all loved her in the deep heart.


The train was stared moving, all the four boys wanted to say something but no one broke the silence, see that the girl smiled,“you don’t want me to leace,right?  Follow me if you don’t wanna me leave!” when they heard it the four boys looked sadly,even forgot to react. But when the door frame was being taken away,one of the boys leaped onto the train,embraced the girl in his arms. The girl leaned against the boy’s shoulders,her tears moistened the boy’s collar, didn’t rufused. Seeing they embraced together,the rest three boys were too later to regret. The chance passed the train station quickly,only a second of hesitation,love flyed far away from them.


One year later,on the other city,on the wedding of the girl and the boy,the other three boys asked the girl: “when did you decide to marry him?” the girl said: “when he leaped on the train without caring his dangerous.”then she asked them, “that day,why did not you follow me?” “I thought you were joking then”one answered;“I hadn’t asked my boss for leave,so how could I go?”the second boy said;“asked me to give up such a good job to follow you,you should let me some time before decide”,the third said.


All the three boys have their own reason,but the starting train will never stay for their reasons. The train was leaving,and they were lefted far hehind。The opportunity is all the four boys love the girl deeply in their heart! If they want to get her,true love、sensitive、resolute、regardless of danger,no one can less.


Seeing the train pull away—— on the road of our life, the chance of this kind of embarrass and helpless, the less the better.


In fact, not only love, the receive and the lose of all our life, are destined at the second of starting of the train.

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