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你是我温暖的手套You are my warm glove  

2009-12-10 16:21:34|  分类: 我翻译的文章 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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十六岁的春日。班上开展了一次有趣的活动,为了让全班男女同学能够和睦相处,老师特设了下周一为女生节,要全班的男生为女生做一件好事,并且赠送一件有意义的小礼品。 On a spring day of my sixteen,my calss hold an interesting activity. In order to make the boys and girls getting well with each other,my teacher announced that next week was girls day,and all the boys must do a good thing for a girl,and give her a small present.
  我选了她,叶小花。一个在此时几乎被全班男同学遗忘的农村女孩。靠窗的角落里,她安静地低着头。当台上的我大声叫出她名字的时候,她猛然吓了一跳。全班男同学开始起哄,大笑。 I chosed her----yexiaohua ,the gril who came from country and was almost forgetten by all the boys. She set sliently beside the window in the corner,when I called her name loudly on the platform,she was so surprised,at the same time,all the boys began laughing loudly .

In their laughing,she and I were all falling in the embarrass of our young ages.

Different from her,I chosed her only because of merciful,or, a kind of pity to the weak. I know its very cruel to her,but I couldnt think out any other reasons. She accepted me,maybe she know escept me no boy would chose her.

Each lesson she listened carefully,especially english. But I hated all the subjects and I knew all the bad students in my grade even in the whole school. We suffered on line all the night,smoking,and beating,stolen the fruit in the fruit farm,and left the pits on the chair of my front classmates when they standing up began the class……

I did lots of bad things at this ages. I was so dislike foreign languages,that I had done all the multiple-choices before the listening test begain,only waiting for handing in the examination papers.

We had a rule that each time after the midsemester and the final test we will have an big move in class. All the classmates went out of the classroom,then went into class as the testing results from the top to the last,chosen the seat she or he wanted.

I remembered clearly that Yexiaohua is number one at that testing. She with our admire ,went into the empty classroom slowly,and walking to the dark corner next to the window.

When she sat down,I didnt know why,felt my heart was pressed by something,very heavy.

She answered teacher with a little afear, I am taller than other students,and I can see clearly at the back,but if I sit at the front I would block others.

At a morning of 15,a boy who most dislike foreign language,smelled the smell of goodness.

The message that I choiced xiaohua as the partner of Girls day was blazed abroad at last,this like a bomb thrown into the bad boys circle. When smoking in the WC, leiming and some senior students went to ask me that if I fell in love with xiaohua. shitI said, I will like a sow instead of she.

All of them knew that I almost never got angry,when they saw this situation,all became silence. At last,leiming left with a word. He said,xiaohua is surely a villager,and will surely back to home to farm and feed sows.

Suddenly I felt a little pain in my heart. I knew that I had no relations with she,but why I felt uncomfortable?  Back to home,farm even feeding sows,its her business,why did I feel uncomfortable?

Morning,teacher was talking on the platform and I was sleeping. Opening my eyes,dead against xiaohua. She was writing with holding her pen tightly. A feeling of distressed inpacted my heart,because I saw some big chilblains in her hand,and she was rubbing them at whiles.

Passing by the toggery of leimings home,I saw a piece of pink glove,with a small flower on it lying sliencely in the counter. I spent 9yuan on the govle which costed 32yuan,leiming was so angry that he abused me that you must will be give the glove to xiaohua. I didnt answer him even didnt look back,but when I got on the bike I speaked loudly that you are right,I will give it to xiaohua,she will use it to farm with me.

Leiming was silience. I laughted loudly with the rapid speed wind.

Yexiaohua has no courage to see me when she wore the glove,because when she wore it ,the boys in the last low would laughted loudly. I never care them,in fact I have no time to care them. Whats more ,its another thing puzzled me that I didnt know why that after I send the glove to her,each time she saw me she would hide herselfe faraway, even if met she would ran quickly with red face.

At first I thought maybe I was too sencitive,but after a long while,everyone became accustomed to it,or forgot it.

From then she would give me some of her English notes initiatively. She asked me to look carefully,I only accepted,but never turn over them. God knows,how much I dislike English!

The college entrance testing was ove,the learning life including the experiences that I was a bad boy can be finished.

When I was begin to drink with a group of my friends,yexiaohua turned up in the groggery. Unwore the elder close she used to wear,a unnormal close made her looked so attractive. In the age of 17,she like a sunshin penetrate through my eyes.

All the boys were as surprised as me at xiaohua.

She said to me,thank you for the glove,very warm. I just smiled with nothing to say.

Then,she joked with me that tell me the truth,do you know how to write glovein English?
  她明知道我讨厌英文,还故意问我这样的问题。我当时就回答她,所有的英文里面,我就知道写“I love you”,因为追女孩子要用。其他的,我一概不知。

I didnt  understand why she asked me this that she had knew clearly that I disliked English,so I said in all the English words I knew nothing exceptI love you,because its useful for pursing girls.

Maybe,its the what I talked with yexiaohua in the last time.

Afterward,with the helping with my parents I went to a electric power company as a civil servant. After a few moths,I couldnt bear the life that obey to others anymore,so I resigned from it and bulid a ad company with my friends.

Bussy everyday that I began to forget my student life gradually,including the village woman—yexiaohua.

To think it now,its very laughable that,we once said she would be a village woman and would surely backed home to feed sows,but now she was studying in a famous college,had a very bright future,how could she back to home to feed sows?

I couldnt remember how many years age, I received a ad plan about clothes and gloves. In this century,my work had lots of connections with English,so I had to open my computer to search the English spell of clothes and glove.

Glove,when I saw this soft words appeared on my computer screen,I suddenly relized something. I remembered the girl who always gave me her English notes,who always passed me quickly with a red face,what kind of ardor she once had about that glove. So well she learned English that she must know the meaning of the glove.
  Give love,给爱。我一遍遍地用英文轻读着,忽然想起那个骑着自行车的午后,大声说着要用那手套和她一起种田;想起,那日在讲台上大声叫着她的名字;想起,那日,她在最后的时刻退去所有少女的矜持,问我手套的含义。凝思中,突然的领悟带着某种遗憾从脑海闪过,我是不是要弥补些什么?

Give love,I murmured it time by time. Suddenly I remembered the afternoon I rode on the bike speaked loudly that I would use the glove to farm with her;remembered that day I speaked  her name loudly on the platform;remembered that day she gave up her shy and asked me the meaning of glove at last. Thinking deeply,a feeling of both realized something and regret flashed into my mind,if I should do something to make up.


From then on,I tried my best to find yexiaohua. Everything comes to him who waits,I knew from my old classmates that she had married,and found her as the address they offered and finally found her at a restaurant in front of her home.

She speaked out my name,I smiled and nodded,but slience. Arm-in-arm with the tall man beside her,to the sudden apperance of me she reprent very normal even no a little surprised.

But she told me in fun that, learn English well.

Back home,seeing the group of English words that I had wrote many times,suddenly cried loudly. The kind of pain that cant speak out clearly,with the regret in my young ages,flooding heavily in my life.

Without sleeping,I send the ad plan of the glove to the clientele, and they were unanimous in it.
  天刚蒙蒙亮的春日里,整个城市的户外站牌,楼塔,都被一张同样的手套广告覆盖了。广告语是简单的一句话:手套——Glove——Give love——给你我的爱,温暖新时代。

On the dawn of the spring,all the outside brand at the bus station and the buliding were covered by a glove ad. The ad is so soft that only had one sentenceShoutaoGloveGiveloveGive you my love,warm the new time.

 (冬鸿摘自《知音女孩》20082 /叶小开)
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